What Is Detoxing and Should You Try It?

What Is Detoxing and Should You Try It?

Detoxing is the process the body uses to rid itself of the numerous toxins that we're exposed to on a daily basis. A detoxing diet supposedly helps your body with this process using agents thought to have detoxing properties, like diuretics, laxatives, minerals, teas, and vitamins. These detoxing agents aim to remove or eliminate the toxins in your system, such as heavy metals and pollutants. 

The Phases of Detoxing

The detoxing process has three phases: bioactivation, conjugation, and transport. Learn how these three phases make the detoxing system run smoothly.

1. Bioactivation

Bioactivation is the first phase of detoxing and involves transforming toxins into reactive intermediates so they can be quickly neutralized. Nutrients found in cruciferous vegetables such as Brussels sprouts and kale aid your body in this stage. Enzyme CYP450 also plays a key role in this process. 

2. Conjugation

In the second phase, your body converts the reactive intermediates into non-toxic, water-soluble molecules through bioactivation. Conjugation requires a lot of cellular energy (ATP), B vitamins, and the amino acid glycine to remove these toxins. These conjugation enzymes make phase II operate correctly:

  • Glutathione S-transferases
  • N-acetyltransferase
  • Sulfotransferases
  • UDP-glucuronosyltransferases

3. Transport

Transport is the final step in the detox process. All of the toxins are transported and then eliminated from the body. The body uses transmembrane-spanning proteins and ATP to eliminate waste through sweat or urine. 

What Are the Possible Benefits of Detoxing?

While detoxing isn't needed to help out your body, you could see a couple of benefits if you were to go on a detox diet. One of these is the increased amount of vitamins and minerals you'd get from all of the extra fruits and vegetables you'd need to consume. 

Another benefit is that if you have food sensitivities, you could find out what specific food triggers your symptoms. You can discover your food triggers by slowly reintroducing foods after your detox is over until you start experiencing symptoms again.

Are There Risks to Detoxing?

There are numerous risks of detoxing that can negatively affect your health. If you decide to try a detox diet, be aware of the possible side effects:

  • Severe dehydration and electrolyte imbalance are possible when using laxatives.
  • Unpasteurized cleanse drinks can contain harmful bacteria, which can make you sick.
  • Drinks high in oxalate can cause kidney issues.
  • Diabetics could suffer severe health issues from changing to a detox diet.
  • Your body isn't getting all of the nutrients it needs to function while detoxing.
  • Calorie-restricting detoxes don't lead to long-term weight loss and may cause you to gain weight over time.

A Common Misconception about Detoxing

The most common misconception about detoxing is that your body needs additional help removing toxins. The fact is that your body is more than capable of handling this on its own. Numerous detox products that are available can be downright unsafe. Allow your body to work on its own by providing it with all the necessary nutrients to complete the detoxification process. 

Ways to Improve Your Body's Natural Detoxing Abilities

By trying these methods, you can help your body naturally detox at maximum efficiency.

Limit Alcohol

Alcohol is a toxin, and either reducing or eliminating it from your diet can go a long way in increasing your overall health. When you consume alcohol, your liver converts over 90% of it into acetate. Acetate is then eliminated from the body through urination. If you drink too much alcohol, the liver becomes damaged and can't filter all the other waste in your body. Limit yourself to one or two alcoholic drinks a day to keep your liver functioning smoothly. 

Improve Your Sleep Routine

Your body needs between 7-9 hours of sleep a night to function properly. This is especially important for brain function. During periods of sleep, your brain reorganizes itself, removing the toxins that build up in it during the day. These toxins can cause Alzheimer's disease, heart disease, high blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes. Make sure you get plenty of sleep each night for your brain's sake.

Drink More Water

Besides aiding in digestion, lubricating your joints, and keeping your body temperature regulated, water plays a key role in waste removal. Water transports toxins and wastes out of your body through your breath, sweat, and urine. Men should drink around 125 oz of water daily, while women should drink around 91 oz. This also depends on how active you are and the climate in which you live.

Eat Foods High in Antioxidants

The job of antioxidants is to protect your body from dangerous free radicals, which come from drugs and alcohol, pollutants, and a poor diet. When you have too many free radicals in your body, it results in oxidative stress. Oxidative stress has links to asthma, certain cancers, dementia, heart disease, and liver disease. Eat a diet rich in berries, cocoa, fruits, nuts, and vegetables, and drink coffee or green tea to counter oxidative stress and the diseases it causes.

Load Up on Prebiotics

Your intestines are another big player in the detoxification system of the body. The gut contains good bacteria called probiotics that produce fatty acids when they consume prebiotics. You are susceptible to a weakened immune system and inflammation if you don't have enough prebiotics. Prevent this by eating prebiotic-containing foods like artichokes, asparagus, bananas, garlic, oats, and yogurt.

Know the Facts about Detoxing

While there hasn't been enough research to scientifically prove if trendy detoxing products work, you can still aid your body in its natural detoxification process. Eliminate alcohol, consume the proper foods, get plenty of sleep, stay active, and keep your body running at maximum efficiency. Get the nutrients your body needs at TigerFitness.com

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